Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Please Help!

I have been severely disgusted by our society's view on feminine beauty and the ways of acquiring such an image for quite some time now. Since the beginning of this disgust, I have hoped that in the years to come some epiphany of some sort would smack those who further this idea into reality-check oblivion so that the image beauty would become less distasteful and unhealthy.
With your help, hopefully we can get the message across to congress on how this idea is causing women and girls all over the country to suffer about their body image. It's called 'The Self Esteem Act,' and by signing this petition, you will have helped the fight against the media and society vs. women.

Please read the information about the petition, and if you're a stickler to your sources as I am, disregard the, as it is a website for the New England Dressing Association and not the National Eating Disorder Association.

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