I'm sorry it's been so long since I have posted anything. I just haven't really been motivated to write much, I suppose. A few things have happened to me over the months I have had blogspotter's block!
I am now a beauty consultant for Mary Kay! I'm just now getting started, and I am still a little confused about the ropes, but hopefully in no-time I will be setting up parties and ordering regularly. I'm excited about this because I have been wanting to do something like Mary Kay for a really long time!
I am now a sophomore in college, yay! I haven't signed up for my classes yet, but I'm still majoring in psychology. This semester I'll finally get to take abnormal psychology, which I have been excited about since I even became interested in mental disorders.
I cut my hair (yes, I did it) a couple of months back to a pixie-cut just to see how I would look. I didn't like it very much, but now that it has grown out a little I like it a lot better. I want to grow it out really long now, which will take another year-and-a-half to do (sigh...)
My Tumblr blog has been in full-swing for a while now, and you can go to it here: www.penguindelight.tumblr.com
I have a special section for things that inspire me fashion-wise!
My dad and I had to move from "The Farm" to another house in town. I'm not going to go into detail why we had to move, but it was a very sad experience. I had been in that house since I was almost a year old. I still miss it very much, and I hope one day to maybe get it back.
And for the best part that has happened to me: I finally went to Athens, Ohio to see the Athens State Hospital! My boyfriend Troy took me for my birthday, isn't he the greatest?
Athens was absolutely magical. I felt like I was at home, even though Troy and I had never been to Ohio before. It made me so happy, and it all seemed to be a really good dream that I actually didn't wake up from! I can't believe the anticipation is over now, though. I've been wanting to go to Athens for more than a year now, and I can't believe I've finally gone. It was all just too good to be true. I will have to post the picture I took soon after I transfer them from my camera to the computer. The Athens State Hospital (now the Kennedy Museum of Art) is a gorgeous building that has been taken care of fairly well by Ohio University. I was happy with that they have done to the place. We went into the art museum, and I was also satisfied to see that they had a plaque dedicated to the past of the building. It was originally a mental institution built under the Kirkbride Plan, and back in the day it was called the Athens Lunatic Asylum. I will be completely honest with you, I hardly looked at the art (although the jewelery and some paintings caught my eye). I was too busy looking around the building trying to imagine the bustle and mental air that was carried around the place when it was still a hospital. I wondered what each room was used for, and I was very tempted to pass the velvet rope that separated the unused part of the asylum to the renovated. I didn't though. After we walked around inside, we found the well-known cemetery on the campus and went a little ways down "The Ridges" nature trail. I almost cried just thinking of the reasons why those people were put into the asylum and all of the mental anguish they must have went through. The town of Athens was absolutely beautiful, and there was so much to do! I plan to go back again one day.
I noticed a comment from Arcadian that asked whether I have experienced anything paranormal. Yes, I have actually!
When I was eleven, my cousin Jessica and my aunt Cindy (both from my mother's side) came to visit us over the summer, and they both slept in my room with me. Well, I had this little porcelain rose jewelery-box that played, "My Favorite Things", when you opened it. During the early morning before Jessica and Cindy were going to go back home (maybe around 3:00-3:30 am), the little jewelery-box started playing the tune out of nowhere. We turned on the lights, and the box was open too! It wasn't any of us because we were all really groggy from being woken up from the music playing. My mom decided that it was my grandmother (her and Cindy's mother) who opened the jewelery-box to tell us that she was watching over us, and that she was happy that we were all together.
Then, when I was about eight or nine, my best friend at the time Crystal was over to spend the night. We were watching a Bugs and Daffy cartoon, and through the middle of it, it suddenly stopped and started rewinding. It was very strange.
All of this makes sense because we lived near a couple of cemeteries. My mom always felt a presence in the kitchen (as did I), and I always felt a presence in my former bedroom (before my dad and I switched rooms, and before we moved).
By the way, I am still going to be doing the Wednesday of Randomness segment!
Quote of the Day:
I have the chance of being constantly active and happy or introspectively passive and sad. Or, I can go mad by ricocheting in between. - Sylvia Plath
*picture credit: Athens State Hospital by gb_packards on Flickr.